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Англо-русский юридический словарь - month


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  noun месяц a month of Sundays joc. - долгий срок, целая вечность; in a month of Sundays после дождичка в четверг ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. месяц calendar month —- календарный месяц current (present) month —- текущий месяц what day of the month is it? —- какое сегодня число? there are four weeks in (to) a month —- в месяце четыре недели month's pay —- месячная зарплата two month's rent —- квартплата за два месяца by the month —- помесячно once a month —- раз в месяц six months pregnant —- на шестом месяце (беременности) month by (after) month, month in, month out —- каждый месяц, месяц за месяцем from month to month —- из месяца в месяц this day month —- ровно через месяц день в день, этого же числа следующего месяца 2. месячник a month of friendship —- месячник дружбы 3. pl. разг. (очень) долгое время, долгий срок I haven't seen you for months —- я вас очень давно не видел Id: month's mind —- поминки (через месяц после смерти); уст. расположение; страстное желание Id: a month of Sundays —- долгий срок, вечность Id: he will never do it in a month of Sundays —- он никогда этого не сделает ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. месяц - animal month - animal unit month - at the turn of the month - beginning of month - beginnings of month - calendar month - contract month - current delivery month - current month - day of the month - delivery month - end month account - end of month - every other month - every second month - family planning month - mid month account - month notice ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  месяц - lunar month ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. 1 (in full calendar month) a each of usu. twelve periods into which a year is divided. b a period of time between the same dates in successive calendar months. 2 a period of 28 days or of four weeks. 3 = lunar month. Phrases and idioms month of Sundays a very long period. Etymology: OE monath f. Gmc, rel. to MOON ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English monath; akin to Old High German manod ~, Old English mona moon  Date: before 12th century  1. a measure of time corresponding nearly to the period of the moon's revolution and amounting to approximately 4 weeks or 30 days or 1/12 of a year  2. plural an indefinite usually extended period of time he has been gone for ~s  3. one ninth of the typical duration of human pregnancy she was in her eighth ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (months) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A month is one of the twelve periods of time that a year is divided into, for example January or February. The trial is due to begin next month. ...an exhibition which opens this month at London’s Design Museum... I send him fifteen dollars a month. N-COUNT 2. A month is a period of about four weeks. She was here for a month... Over the next several months I met most of her family... ...a month’s unlimited train travel. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 one of the twelve named periods of time that a year is divided into  (It snowed heavily during the month of January. | Phil is coming home for a visit next month. | She'll be thirteen this month. | a tremendous article in this month's American Indian Review) 2 a period of about four weeks  (She has an eight-month old daughter. | He'll be away for two months.) 3 once/twice etc a month happening or being done once, twice etc a month  (We update the schedule at least once a month.) 4 months a long time, especially several months  (Redecorating the kitchen took months. | for/in months (=for a long time))  (I haven't seen him for months.) 5 month after month used to emphasize that something happens regularly or continuously for several months  (I felt I was doing the same old thing week after week, month after month.) 6 month by month used when you are talking about a situation that develops over several months  (Unemployment figures are rising month by month.) 7 never in a month of Sundays spoken used to emphasize that something will definitely never happen  (You'll never guess it in a month of Sundays.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. monaр, from P.Gmc. *mжnoth-, related to *mжnon- "moon," from PIE *menses- "moon, month" (perhaps ult. from *me-, root meaning "measure"). Its descendants only mean "month" in the Romance languages, but in Gmc. generally continue to do double duty. Phrase a month of Sundays "a very long time" is from 1841. Roughly 7 and a half months, but never used literally. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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